Neck Pain & Headaches

Neck Pain & Headaches

Neck pain and headaches are fast becoming one of the most common presentations in patients. Our sedentary and often desk based lifestyles can easily be blamed, but often difficult to change significantly. Poor breathing mechanics, stress, tension and poor posture all contribute to tight muscles, irritated joints and referred pain into the head, shoulders and arms.

Our team is well experienced in helping to ti[ the scales back in the right direction with hands-on care to reduce tension and promote natural movement. Home exercise, lifestyle advice and desk advice can all be implemented to allow for long term changes to be seen, without merely masking the problem until it rears its head again shortly after improving. We understand that wholesale changes to jobs and the way that we live are unrealistic, which is why our therapists will take the time to get to know you and your lifestyle to allow you to make realistic and sustainable changes to alleviate pain for good.